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Sensibo Sky Air Conditioner Controller

Frequently Asked Questions

Sensibo supports any air conditioner that has an infrared remote control

Whether it’s a mini split, window AC, ductless, portable, heat pump and even central air conditioners that come with an infrared remote control.

If you have a central air conditioner with dampers, and each damper has a separate an infrared remote control, Sensibo supports those too.

To check a specific brand you can enter the name of the brand on our compatibility checker here:

Sensibo supports any heat pump with an infrared remote control

To check a specific brand you can enter the name of the brand on our compatibility checker here: Compatibility Check

Climate React is a temperature and humidity based smart mode that allows you to control your a/c according to the temperature and/or humidity reading of the Sensibo sensor (located within the Senisbo device).
You can also combine the two parameters – Temperature and Humidity – in order to set the Feels Like mode.
The Climate React mode allows for a more efficient and economical use of your a/c by:

Dual Set Points
You can set the a/c to Heat when cold and to Cool when hot.

Feels Like mode
Takes into consideration the temperature and humidity levels so that you feel comfortable within the temperature set points.
For example – You can set the a/c to start cooling when the temperature reaches 28°C / 82°F and then switch to Fan when temperature is cooler, overriding the internal a/c thermostat.

Anti Freeze / Anti Heat
For example – You can set the a/c to turn on Heat when the temperature drops below 10°C/ 50°F to prevent freeze damage.

With Sensibo Climate React you can significantly save on electric bills by setting what your a/c does according to your temperature preferences.
To set the Climate React mode please see – How To Set The Climate React Mode

* Climate React mode is not available with Sensibo 1st gen (Sensibo pod)

The device is connected!

When the blue LED stops blinking it means that the device is successfully connected!

Sensibo supports any air conditioner that has an infrared remote control

Whether it’s a mini split, window AC, ductless, portable, heat pump and even central air conditioners that come with an infrared remote control.

If you have a central air conditioner with dampers, and each damper has a separate an infrared remote control, Sensibo supports those too.

To check a specific brand you can enter the name of the brand on our compatibility checker here:

Sensibo Sky comes with a standard micro-usb power supply.

The power supply can connect to any power source (220v-240v, 110v-120v).

You will also receive a power plug suitable for your *country.

*The power plug included will be automatically chosen according to the shipping destination.

Sensibo controls your air conditioner like a remote control does.

Some central air systems do not have a remote control, but they have a wired thermostat. Sensibo doesn’t work with such systems and vice versa. Smart thermostats do not work with remote controlled air conditioners and heat pumps.

Yes, Sensibo supports iPhone & iOS.

To Download Sensibo to your iPhone please follow this link – Download Sensibo

You can also download from the Apple app store.

Yes. You can log in to the Web App here:

Yes, follow this link to download the app – Download Sensibo for Android

Or search ‘Sensibo’ in the Google Play store.

How to’s

ou can add Sensibo to your Siri Shortcuts.

Instead of opening Sensibo and setting your a/c to your favorite setting you can simply add a Siri Shortcut.

To watch a video step by step guide click here –

Step by Step guide to add Siri Shortcuts to Senisbo: 

1. Open the Sensibo app and click on the a/c unit you want to add a shortcut for.

sensibo choose device

2. Set the a/c to the preferred setting and choose the More icon form the bottom right hand side

Sensibo more button

3. Choose ‘Add a Siri shortcut for this state’.

sensibo add siri shortcut for this state

4. Record your Siri shortcut command

record siri shortcut

5. Click Done in order to save the shortcut.

You can also choose to Edit or Delete the recorded shortcut.

siri shortcut done

6. When using the Siri Shortcut you will see and hear a confirmation.

siri shortcut confirmation 

*** To Re-Record or Delete the Siri phrase, go to:

iPhone Settings -> Sensibo -> Siri & Search -> Shortcut -> Tap the shortcut you want to edit -> Tap ‘Re-Record Phrase / Delete Shortcut

To set the Climate React mode via the web app, please do the following:

1. Go to and login with your email and passowrd.

2. Choose the device you want to activate Climte React on.

3. Click the more options icon from the bottom right hand side of the device menu.

Climate React Options icon

4. Choose ‘Set up Climate React’ from the menu.

Climate React setup menu

5. On the Climate React screen drag the temperature bar to the left and right to set the trigger points for action.

 Climate React Screen temperature bar

6. Define what you want to set the AC to.

Climate React Screen a/c state

7. Click apply to set changes.

Climate React Apply

8. Climate Reacte mode icon turns blue and to indicate that it is activated. To Disable/Enable Climate React mode simply click on the icon.

 Climate React Indicator ON

* Climate React mode is not available with Sensibo 1st gen (Sensibo pod)

You can easily calibrate the Temperature or Humidity reading of Sensibo by doing the following:

1. Open, log in with your email and password.

2. Choose the device you want to calibrate the Temperature/Humidity for.

calibrate temperature humidity choose device

3. Click on the more icon.

calibrate temperature humidity more icon

4. Choose ‘Advanced’ from the drop down menu.

calibrate temperature humidity advanced menu

5. Choose ‘Calibrate Sensors’ from the drop down menu.

calibrate temperature humidity calibrate sensors menu

6. Set the ‘temperature delta/ humidity delta’ value.

calibrate temperature humidity temp humidity delta values

7. Click ‘Close’ to save changes.

calibrate temperature humidity save values


If you would like the Sensibo temperature to be increseased by 3°, simply type in 3 in the ‘temperature delta’ box.

If you would like Sensibo to show 8° less, type in -8 in the ‘temperature delta’ box. 

Please note that you can always revert the changes by typing in 0 in the ‘temperature/humidity delta’ box.


*If you do not see the ‘Calibrate Sensors’ option, please make sure to clear browser cache.

You will need to reset the password on the Sensibo Sky device in these instances:

  • You changed your network WiFi password
  • You changed your network WiFi name
  • You moved the Sensibo Sky device to a new location

After doing one of the above you will need to reset the WiFi profiles on Sensibo in order to allow it to connect to the new network.


To reset the WiFi profile on Sensibo Sky please do the following:

  1. Make sure the device is connected to the power. It will blink constantly trying to connect to the network.
  2. The reset button is located on the left side of the device (where there’s a little hole).  With a pin or paperclip press the button once lightly. 


3. The device will start blinking once every 2 seconds.

4. Launch the Sensibo app and use the wizard to reconfigure the WiFi settings.

  1. Go to 
  2. Login with your Sensibo Username and Password
  3. Click the options menu on the bottom right hand side of the device 

Sensibo options menu

4. Choose ‘Change Remote Type’

Sensibo Change Remote Type

5. Scroll down to choose the brand

Manually change a/c remote brand Sensibo

6. If your A/C brand is not in the list – try to go over the Generic items

To share the device do the following:

1. Click the device you want to share

Sensibo Choose device

2. Click “Settings”

Sensibo Click Settings


3. Click “Share this A/C”

Sensibo Share device

4. Select the medium to share the device (whatsapp, email, messenger, etc.)

Sensibo Choose app to share

5. The recipient should install Sensibo, close the app (from the backgroud as well) and then click the shared link. The Sensibo device will be shared and will appear on their Sensibo app as well.

You can easily schedule events in advance for the following:

– Turn the A/C On or Off
– Change Temperature
– Change Heat to Cool
– Change the fan mode – Auto, Low, Medium, High
– Repeat event


To start a scheduling please do the following:

1. Click the Clock icon

Sensibo clock icon

2. From the bottom of the screen click the + to add a new scheduling event

Sensibo add new schedule

3. Set your scheduling event and click Done to save

Sensibo scheduling menu


In the event that you’d want to unshare the device please do the following:

1. Go to the web app at

2. Click the more options icon on the bottom right hand side of the device card.

Sensibo Web App more options icon

3. Choose Advanced from the menu.

Sensibo Web App advanced menu item

4. From the Advanced menu choose User Management.

Sensibo Web App user management menu item

5. From the User Management popup screen click Delete located to the right of the user you’d like to unshare.

Sensibo User management screen delete user

6.  Click OK on the popup screen to confirm that you are sure you want to delete.

Sensibo User management delete user authorize 

8. The deleted user will not be able to control the device any longer.

*Please note the the option to Delete Shared Users is only available on the web app

To reset the password to your Sensibo account follow this link: Reset Sensibo Password

1. From the Main Menu, click the pencil icon

Sensibo Location

2. From the Edit Menu, click the pencil icon next to the location you’d like to update

Sensibo Pencil Icon

3. Click the pencil icon next to the current address

Sensibo set new location

4. Select a new location or search for your address

Sensibo search location

5. When prompted ‘Use this location?’ choose ‘Select’

Sensibo update location

6. Click ‘Update’

Sensibo Update location

  1. In the main screen, click the pencil icon to edit

  2. Choose one of your locations to edit by clicking the pencil icon next to the wanted location:

  3. Edit the name of the location in the bottom.
    In order to pick a different physical location and address, click the pencil icon on the top left.

  4. Enter your address in the text area on the top, or click the locate me button to choose your current location.

  5. Click the update button

You can have Sensibo detect when you are arriving and automatically turn your A/C ON.

You can also have Sensibo detect when you are leaving and automatically turn your A/C OFF.

Here’s how:

1. From the Sensibo main menu click the Map Pin icon

Sensibo Map Pin2. The ‘Location Awareness’ is off and should look like this

Sensibo Local awareness off 3. Toggle the ‘Location awareness’ button to the right in order to enable it.

Sensibo local awareness on

4. Choose if you want Sensibo to detect when you:

  • Enter – Sensibo will detect when your phone enters a 500 meter range from the device and turn your A/C unit ON.
  • Exit – Sensibo will detect when your* phone leaves a 500 meter range from the device and turn your A/C unit OFF. 
  • Both – Sensibo will detect both Enterance and Exit and turn your A/C ON and OFF accordingly.

*When sharing the device, the device will turn OFF the A/C when the last person leaves.

1. In the main menu, click the pencil icon

2. Drag your device to the bottom where it says “Drag A/C here to set a new location”

3. A new location is created

4. Enter the details of the location

You can comfortably control many Sensibo devices on your compter through the webapp at

Just login with your Sensibo account details and manage numerous Sensibo devices with ease.

You can:

  • Change Temperature
  • Change Mode – Cool, Heat, Fan
  • Turn A/C ON/OFF
  • Check Temperature and Humidity in the room
  • Check recent events
  • See Temerature and Humidity graphs 

To create a triggers on IFTTT to work with the Climate React function, you will need to use IFTTT’s webhook feature. Please do the following:

1. Go to and click the New Applet button on the right hand side of the screen 

2. On the ‘New Applet’ screen click on this

IFTTT click this

 3. Type in Webhooks in the search field and choose the Webhooks service.

IFTTT type in webhooks


4. On the ‘Choose trigger’ screen click on Receive a web request.

IFTTT webhooks choose trigger

5. On the ‘Complete trigger fields’ screen type in the Event Name you want and click the Create trigger button.

***Do not enter spaces, instead use _ to separate words. Exmaple: instead of ‘temp down’ type ‘temp_down’.

IFTTT webhooks trigger fields

6. On the next screen click that

IFTTT webhooks click that

7. On the ‘Chose action service’ screen type in Sensibo in the search field and click the Sensibo icon.

IFTTT webhooks action service sensibo

8. Choose the action you want – Turn A/C on or Turn A/C off

IFTTT webhooks choose action

9. On the ‘Complete action fields’ screen choose the device from the drop down list and then set the Mode, Temperature and Fan Level (if applicable). Then click the Create action button. 

IFTTT webhooks action fields

10. The IFTTT has been created. Click Finish on the ‘Review and finish’ screen.

IFTTT webhooks review and finish

11. Go to My Applets and then click on Webhooks

IFTTT webhooks

12. From the ‘Webhooks’ screen click Documentation.

IFTTT webhook documentation

13. The Key will open in a new screen

Sensibo webhook key

12. Copy{event}/with/key/{webhooks_key} to the webhook URL field on the Climate React screen and click APPLY.

Replace {event} with the Event Name from step 5.

Replace {webhooks_key} with the Key from step 13.

webhook URL on climate react screen

If you have changed your A/C unit or have a new remote control for the A/C you will need to pair the new remote control with the Sensibo device.

Here’s what to do:

1. Open the Sensibo app and click on the device you need to pair the new remote control with.

Sensibo app device menu

2. From the device menu click on the Settings wheel icon located on the top right.

Sensibo app Settings wheel

3. From the menu click on ‘Change remote’.

Sensibo app Change remote

4. A notification will pop up:

“Are you sure you want to reset the remote for “name of device”? This will reset the settings saved for this device. No / Yes”.

Click ‘Yes’.

Sensibo app reset remote

5. Sensibo will promt to pair with the new remote control. Get your remote control and click ‘Next’.

Sensibo app get remote

6. You will be promted to point the remote control at the device while pressing the Power button on the A/C’s remote control.

Sensibo pair remote

7. Once the remote is paired with the Sensibo device you will receive a notification “Remote indentified! You can now use your device”. Sensibo remote paired

8. That’s it! Sensibo is now paired with your new remote control.

You can easily change the temperature scale from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa.

1. Open the Sensibo app and choose the Sensibo device you’d like to change the temperature scale for.

change temp scale - choose sensibo device

2. Click the Settings icon from the top right hand side.

change temp scale - choose settings icon

3. Choose the ‘Switch to Fahrenheit’ option.

change temp scale - choose switch to Fahrenheit

4. Click the ‘Close’ option from the top right hand side.

5. A notification ‘Changing notification unit…’ will briefly appear.

6. The Sensibo device will now appear in Fahrenheit. 


You should read and follow this article when:

– You have installed Sensibo Sky
– You have successfully connected Sensibo to the internet
– You have set up your A/C remote control during setup
– After the installation you use the app
– You see Sensibo Sky react to the device with a blue light
– The A/C unit does not react
– What to try:

– Make sure there is a line of sight between Sensibo and your A/C unit
– Make sure that your remote control works from the same position where you placed Sensibo
– Try different position for placing Sensibo
– For testing purposes, try to hold Sensibo very close to the A/C unit and see if it reacts

– You can use a standard phone power bank if it helps:

– If all fail:
– Go to
– Login with your username and password
– Choose ‘Change remote model’ from the options
– Manually try to select your A/C brand
– If your A/C brand is not in the list – try to go over the Generic items
– If you are still having issues, contact us.

Try these few steps:

Make sure that the remote control has fresh new batteries and try to detect the remote again. Often when the batteries are weak the signal from the remote is hard to detect.
Navigate to the device’s screen by selecting it from the Locations Screen
Tap the “Touch to setup remote” notification
Point your remote towards the device and press the “On” button
Send a few on and off commands from the remote. Be sure to wait a second or two between each press on the remote
Try to set your remote manually by following this article.

Check the following before taking any further actions:

The name (SSID) and password for your network are correct
You network is online (visible when scanning for networks and you can use it from other devices)
The router is set to transmit on 2.4GHz (Sensibo does not support 5GHz networks)
The password length is not longer than 32 characters.
The password does not have special characters.
You don’t have special firewalls, vpns or proxies (consult with your IT or technician)
If your credentials were entered correctly and the network is indeed online, you might have issues connecting due to network settings such as firewall, vpn or proxy.

You can also try to manually configure your Sensibo device to connect to your WiFi network. Follow this guide to do so.



Sensibo devices connect to on ports 443 and 80. Please make sure these ports do no have any restrictions on them that could prevent Sensibo devices from connecting successfully to the internet through them.


Sensibo needs DNS access. The DNS server address must be given via DHCP of your router.


Your internet providers could have a built-in firewall or proxy. Please check with your ISP.

If your device cannot connect, please note the blinking pattern on the device which can indicate what the issue is.

No blinking: The Sensibo device is connected to the server.

1 blink: Blinking once every 2 seconds – The device is in setup mode and you launch the app and follow the setup wizard to send the device the WiFi network name and password.

2 blinks: Blinking twice every 2 seconds  – The device is trying to connect to the router. If it always blinking once and twice and never goes further, it probably means that the WiFi password is wrong, or that the WiFi network is a 5GHz network (not supported by the device).

3 blinks: Blinking three times every 2 seconds – The device is connected to the router and is trying to find the server. If the device is reaching 3 blinks and no further it means that it can’t find the server name. Please check your DNS configuration.

4 blinks: Blinking four times every 2 seconds – The device is connecting to the server or is doing a firmware update. If the device is stuck on 4 blinks for more than a few minutes it means that it can’t establish a connection to the server. Please check that port 80 and 443 are allowed to and there are no firewalls preventing the connection.

You can always set up the WiFi profile manually. Here is how:

1. Open the WiFi settings and search for a network named ‘SENSIBO-I-XXXXX’ where the X is some number.

2. Connect to the SENSIBO-I-XXXXX network.

3. Open a browser window and enter the url

**Please note that if you do not see the screen below, skip to step 9. 


4. Go to the ‘Profiles‘ tab

5. Enter the following information:

 – SSID – Your Network Name

– Security Type – Either WPA2 or WAP1

– Security Key – The password to your wifi network

– Profile Priority – 0 


* Please note that:

1. The SSID (wifi network name) and Security Key (wifi network password) are case sensitive.

2. There is a 32 character limit to the password.

3. The wifi network password cannot contain special characters.

4. Sensibo is not compatible with WEP 

6. Click ‘Add‘ and see that the profile was added to the bottom of the page where the profiles are listed:

7. Remove the Sensibo device from the power for 30 seconds and plug it back in. 


8. The device will start a blinking pattern until it stops.

Skip to step 12.


9. Click on the ‘Configure WiFi‘ button.

10. Enter the following details:

– SSID – your wifi network or choose from the list.

– password – enter the oassword for your wifi network.

– Click ‘Save‘.

11. A notification will appear – Credentials Saved.

12. When the Sensibo device is dark, the LED light is not blinking, it has connected to your wifi network successfully.

Your Sensibo device is now connected to your wifi network.


13. You can alway reset the profiles by clicking the device button on the left side (inside the small hole).

If your device cannot connect, please note the blinking pattern on the device which can indicate what the issue is.

No blinking: The Sensibo device is connected to the server.

1 blink: Blinking once every 2 seconds – The device is in setup mode and you launch the app and follow the setup wizard to send the device the WiFi network name and password.

2 blinks: Blinking twice every 2 seconds  – The device is trying to connect to the router. If it always blinking once and twice and never goes further, it probably means that the WiFi password is wrong, or that the WiFi network is a 5GHz network (not supported by the device).

3 blinks: Blinking three times every 2 seconds – The device is connected to the router and is trying to find the server. If the device is reaching 3 blinks and no further it means that it can’t find the server name. Please check your DNS configuration.

4 blinks: Blinking four times every 2 seconds – The device is connecting to the server or is doing a firmware update. If the device is stuck on 4 blinks for more than a few minutes it means that it can’t establish a connection to the server. Please check that port 80 and 443 are allowed to and there are no firewalls preventing the connection.

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